About Me

My photo
1964: after high school life begins. Asked to consider not returning to OSU after the first year. 1966 drafted; grunt, door gunner, HU1 pilot. Out in Dec '70. 1972 married, joined fire dept and bought first house over a 6 month span. 1980 moved family (which now consisted of wife Teri, daughter Amy and son Ryan) to CO. 1990 moved all to bush Alaska to work for the dark side (the FAA). Started Blog to keep family and friends up on our whereabouts. Retired in March 2010. In Feb 2012 sold house in Alaska. By May had bought in Redmond and completed the move. Still nesting in Redmond and loving it!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Gone Fishing

Leaving today; sleeping in ANC airport tonight (unless security says otherwise) and on to Homer tomorrow morning. As promised here are some past due photos of last Portland trip.

We all went to the Children's Museum.
Two renown cat doctors consulted on a tough case.

There was a brief stage production.
There was time to hug your favorite raptor.

We also went to pick berries on Sauvie Island.

 Molly volunteered to be the mule.
Spencer and Nina volunteered to sit in the cart.
 They also volunteered to serve as quality control. There was a lot of tasting.

Amy, Derek and the kids headed out for the drive home.  Spencer was still very upset that he wasn't staying with Grandma and Grandpa. At least Grandma is coming for his birthday.

Back home there was a bike trip to a favorite park.  This was first whole family trip in a while as they often leave one parent home to get things accomplished.

Louis is up for anything.

So, I'm all caught up and will be hunting the elusive wild Alaskan salmon for a bit. 

Teri has Denver and LA trips while I'm gone.  We might end up reuniting in Portland but that end of our trips is not settled yet.

Hope you all have a cool July and I'll try a few posts while I'm gone if I can get back to civilization long enough.

Last check showed weather perfect up there and staying that way.