About Me

My photo
1964: after high school life begins. Asked to consider not returning to OSU after the first year. 1966 drafted; grunt, door gunner, HU1 pilot. Out in Dec '70. 1972 married, joined fire dept and bought first house over a 6 month span. 1980 moved family (which now consisted of wife Teri, daughter Amy and son Ryan) to CO. 1990 moved all to bush Alaska to work for the dark side (the FAA). Started Blog to keep family and friends up on our whereabouts. Retired in March 2010. In Feb 2012 sold house in Alaska. By May had bought in Redmond and completed the move. Still nesting in Redmond and loving it!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Joy

A magical time for sure.  Special to most all of us for different reasons.  Hope this one lived up to all your expectations. 

Louis continues to dazzle us.

We had a great day, ending up with the horses joining in at Travis & Kim's.

 Shadow, the devil cat dropped by.
It was raining, so we settled for photos in the barn.
Cousin Jordan & Louis after the gift opening and before the official feasting, which seemed to go on all day.

So now comes the quiet time before we get back on a plane to Florida.  For me, Christmas joy is when  it's over and the days get longer until June 21st.  But then Christmas is for the young; old fart atheists tend to view it differently.

Stay Merry