About Me

My photo
1964: after high school life begins. Asked to consider not returning to OSU after the first year. 1966 drafted; grunt, door gunner, HU1 pilot. Out in Dec '70. 1972 married, joined fire dept and bought first house over a 6 month span. 1980 moved family (which now consisted of wife Teri, daughter Amy and son Ryan) to CO. 1990 moved all to bush Alaska to work for the dark side (the FAA). Started Blog to keep family and friends up on our whereabouts. Retired in March 2010. In Feb 2012 sold house in Alaska. By May had bought in Redmond and completed the move. Still nesting in Redmond and loving it!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Back to the North (Florida, that is)

Tony stopped in for three days during his increasingly longer winter trips to the warm side.
 This is some of the less expensive homes that link to the Inter Coastal Waterway.  Cheaper because you have to pass under a bridge with 6' vertical clearance to get to the Waterway.  Off to the left there is a RV park that we are considering for next year.
We got a bike ride and shark tooth hunt in on the first day.

This is one seagoing version of AAA around here.  I'm told they will even bring you gas should you run out.  How about beer?

Then we went fishing with Roger in his boat the next day.  No pictures of the fishing but Tony did get a neat video of a bald eagle snatching up a small sea trout that we had thrown back.  We also met a porpoise that was picking off the little ones that we were releasing.  It didn't hurt that we were throwing them right in front of his nose.

He left yesterday for some more visiting with his siblings before he goes back to beautiful downtown Soldotna.

We leave for Tallahassee tomorrow.  They've been about 10 degrees cooler up there.  Sounds good to me.  All reports from the last frontier indicate that it's a good year to snowbird.

Hang in there!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sneaking Up On Alligators

Took a canoe trip with the RV park owner.  Every other Wednesday one of the park owners takes the first 14 of us to sign up on a free canoe trip on the Myakka River.  So we paddle for an hour and a half down to the gianormous RV park down stream have lunch and paddle back.

This was a fairly noisy group so we didn't see any alligators on the way down.  Coming back we got out in front of the pack and saw a few small ones (5' or less).  It was another perfect day so the going was easy.
Here's the group headed out of our tiny inlet on the river.
This is the launch site.
The lunch stop.

No alligator pictures as they were a bit shy, and that was just fine.  After a few attempts at photographing the birds and scenery, I decided that my time was better spent concentrating on not going swimming.

Later that afternoon we went over to the The DeJean's as they just got back from picking up Roger Scott and Lilly at the airport.  Naturally, Lilly crashed on the last 5 minutes of the ride home, so she slept for a while in the driveway while we caught up with Roger.

Keep warm.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Tour of the 1%

Went for a boat ride on the Intercoastal Waterway.  Thought we'd see how the 1% spent their winter.

Saw lots of birds.

 Here's an Osprey nest with a little'n peaking out.
 We decided that this was a flock of republicans (old white guys)
 This was more like project housing (diversity, rundown exterior and everyone out on the stoop)
It was good to see the old farts each had their own post.

These two aren't nearly as grumpy as they look; just busy chewing.  That bridge up ahead is part of the Legacy bike trail.

Didn't take any pics of the unbelievable homes and boats along the shore.  When you think about how many mansions there must be along the whole waterway.....  And a lot of them are just their winter houses.  You know, the beach cottage.

It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to be allowed so close to this small slice of the 1%.  Why, I started to mist up when I realized that the "American Dream" is alive and well in South Florida.  Actually, I think that was just some of the sun block running into my eyes. 

Whatever, I won't post a parade of million dollar homes and accompanying yachts (not enough space).  It was the usual 70 something clear day with no wind.  Ho hum.

To all of you up north, stay inside where it is as warm as it is on the water here.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Grand Kid Weekend

Just finished breakfast and goodby to the Soden's.  It was a fun weekend with the grandkids and their support team.

Sunday we went to the Apollo Power station to see the manatees.

 Interesting twin vortices in the exhaust.

There were lots of them hanging out in the warm water.

There were a few other species enjoying the warm water as well.

Rather large Tarpon, by any standard.  Some around 5'.

After that we went to the Aquarium in Tampa.
There were rays and sharks inside to touch but not this big.

Inside there were birds too!
I had to be extra sneaky to get this close to this one.  Not really, he was quite friendly.

On the way back we noticed that Alaska isn't the only place where they build bridges to nowhere.

I think they'll end up somewhere just not right now.

Yesterday we went to the beach.
Molly and Spencer tried to reposition the water.  One bucket at a time.
One of the locals was beach combing as well.

The water was cold but the air was perfect.  We finally loaded up the mermaids and sharks and headed back to the trailer for dinner and SMORES, yeah!

Now we are back to just hanging out and boring stuff like laundry and reading.  We can only handle just so much fun.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Trees Fear Me

I haven't wielded a chainsaw in quite some time (old fartese for "I can't accurately recall").  Still, when I look at some trees all I can see is the lumber they would make.  It is more of a clinical curiosity than a need to defoliate.  Here is an example; an oak right behind our fifth wheel.
 Just imagine what the grain must be like.
But when you see the other side it is mostly hollow.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch.  That, by the way, is a phrase I picked up from my Father.  Now that you youngn's know the time frame, can anyone tell me what it is from (anyone over 50 is disqualified)?

We went beach combing, specifically for shark teeth.

The beach at Manasota.
There are lots of shells, and hiding in there, shark teeth.


Rinsing the small stuff out.
Sorting for treasure.
The prize.

Tomorrow we hope to go canoeing on the river.

Keep diggin

Monday, January 9, 2012

Meanwhile back in Portland

Since the heater is often going at Ryan & Judy's, I wonder if this balloon is still captured by the floor grate.

The thing I find interesting is that the balloon is captured not directly over the grate but a foot or so to the right.  Must be magic.

Christmas in Venice, FL

Ah Christmas!  It brings out the best in all of us.

Roger says it was bigger a week ago.

I think he was using the season as an excuse to build a beacon for the mother ship.

We went fishing yesterday; nothing noteworthy among our catch.  A few of the locals have learned that fishermen are possible sources of handouts.

They would come right up to us if we stuck our hands in the water.  Possibly looking for a new version of a "handout".  Since we didn't have any edible bait and we were not willing to share our lunch, they eventually went back to working for a living.  They would swim tight circles in the 5' deep water and then pick off what ever they stirred up.

Going beach combing today.  Going to be a cool one, only forecasted to be low 70's.

Keep up the good work out there; we appreciate the support.

Stay warm.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Dog People

Went for a bike ride on the Legacy Trail.  We just did a few miles; nice scenery along the intercoastal waterway.
Here's a dog we met. Yes, that's a dogie visor.

Stay sane.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Slow Learner

My self ascribed label was first applied when I would describe my military "career".  I had occasion to recall it tonight as I was battling  the bacon that I was frying for one our favorite dinners BLT&A sandwiches.

The battle results when the bacon refuses to stay straight as it cooks.  After many years of trying to keep bacon straight, it seems tolerance is the best policy.
Sorry about the quality, had to use my phone.

Why does the obvious sometimes take me so long?

Till Later.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Back in FL

Spent the last few moments of grand kid fix in Portland then flew down to Orlando and drove to Venice where we are still unpacking the fifth wheel.

Here's the sleep deprived dad holding the reason who is wearing grandma Teri's latest hat.

And here's mom recording the moment.  It was the first attempt at a new design, so he'll have to grow a bit to fit it.  Teri was literally knitting up to the last minute.

First we had to get the photo of Louis holding his head up.  We have the same photo of all the kids and grand kids; sort of a ritual and an interesting way to note the differences/similarities.
Earlier we had a bit of project time for dad, Louis and Nina.

Before that, Nina was taking pictures (with her new camera) of baby panda "Jack" who has graduated to pull ups.

So that wraps up this session in Portland.  Next grand kid fix when the Soden family comes down to visit in a few weeks.  After that we'll go back to Tallahassee for the month of Feb before we head out again.  Looking forward to seeing some of Molly's soccer games and showing the grand kids the fine art of fishing.  Like which donut to eat first to insure success.

Cold down here, only forecasted to reach 56 tomorrow; we'll suffer through the "coldest it has been so far this year", somehow.  Suck it up Alaska.

Stay warm.