Here is the container nearly filling up the driveway.
It never would have happened without unbelievable help from our friends. Most notably Tony and Dave. Here is Tony after all of the abuse was over.
All he had left to do was drive to the dump with a car full of stuff that we couldn't cram into the container and car. Then he still has a garage and storage shed half full of crap he is storing for us until July when Roger and I come back for the Red run. He is a saint and deserves a big reward.
Then it was time to say goodbye.
Goodbye Living Room.
Goodbye Kitchen.
Goodbye Family Room.
Goodbye Garage.
I built a bulkhead at the end of the load leaving space for the car. Notice the mattress trying to escape over the top. Alison's Relocation Service is handling the move and will build their own retaining wall before loading the car tomorrow.
The drive up to the Teagues was beautiful, as usual.
This was the only cloud in the sky at Cooper Landing.
The sky was really BLUE (without any filter on adjustment).
Turnagain Arm at Portage Glacier.
Now I write from the Teague estate where we have sought refuge from the storm. The respite will be short as we leave for Portland on Friday and arrive in Redmond on Monday to plunge once again into the abyss known as home ownership.
See you down the road.
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