Rant Alert!
Anyway, I got #11.
When you figure they give out 1000, I was pretty near the front. I was right next to my newest friends that got in line at 4:00 am, and they were right behind the ones that were there overnight.
I had time to run up to the VA and pick up some lab results. Met three other vets in the records office. Two were in trouble, psychologically. The other had discovered the VA's Vet Center and was doing better. We were all Vietnam era.
Earlier, I had talked with a young man on the street. He was a vet of our more recent wars and was in big trouble. None of the three troubled vets realized that the Vet Centers existed. They all were battling the conventional VA and their experiences were only adding to their distress.
The difference is at the Ver Centers you are usually dealing with other vets that understand and can win the trust of the vet seeking help.
Yes, I have become a bit of a zealot preaching salvation. But that happens when you see your society worshiping their warriors when recruiting them, then pissing on them when they come back broken.
Done; for now.