I haven’t watched a newscast in ages. Then we turn on the NBC Nightly News for grins and find a lame duck congress has passed a whole bunch of laws; go figure. Did the Dems finally grow a pair and shove all that legislation through in a last (and only) hurrah? If only. I figure that after the elections were over the politicians could actually do something other than chest pounding and posturing for the electorate. The Republicans no longer had to look over their shoulders to see if Sarah and her fellow idiots were approving, so they could actually compromise and get things done. After all, they have two more years for people to forget. See, elections and the resulting playing to the “base” only clouds their minds so I’m still not going to vote. We need something different, something that gets the job done all year long. Still waiting.
Stay Warm.
Have a great Holiday season
About Me
- Troy
- 1964: after high school life begins. Asked to consider not returning to OSU after the first year. 1966 drafted; grunt, door gunner, HU1 pilot. Out in Dec '70. 1972 married, joined fire dept and bought first house over a 6 month span. 1980 moved family (which now consisted of wife Teri, daughter Amy and son Ryan) to CO. 1990 moved all to bush Alaska to work for the dark side (the FAA). Started Blog to keep family and friends up on our whereabouts. Retired in March 2010. In Feb 2012 sold house in Alaska. By May had bought in Redmond and completed the move. Still nesting in Redmond and loving it!