This is some of the less expensive homes that link to the Inter Coastal Waterway. Cheaper because you have to pass under a bridge with 6' vertical clearance to get to the Waterway. Off to the left there is a RV park that we are considering for next year.
We got a bike ride and shark tooth hunt in on the first day.
This is one seagoing version of AAA around here. I'm told they will even bring you gas should you run out. How about beer?
Then we went fishing with Roger in his boat the next day. No pictures of the fishing but Tony did get a neat video of a bald eagle snatching up a small sea trout that we had thrown back. We also met a porpoise that was picking off the little ones that we were releasing. It didn't hurt that we were throwing them right in front of his nose.
He left yesterday for some more visiting with his siblings before he goes back to beautiful downtown Soldotna.
We leave for Tallahassee tomorrow. They've been about 10 degrees cooler up there. Sounds good to me. All reports from the last frontier indicate that it's a good year to snowbird.
Hang in there!