It had no center divider and needed one to give it shear strength and stop the wobble. When I showed it to Bob he said, "Sure, you can use my shop. I'll leave it open and there is plenty of wood, you should be able to find something to do the trick."
So I spent the morning in my favorite therapy, making sawdust and noise. He had everything I could have needed and more. I now have a serious need to own a jointer. I'll think up a project later, for now I could just make wood chips for fire starters.
Anyway, I'm in his debt and he must now come to Alaska, use my shop and catch a bunch of fish to even the scales.
After three days of eating, drinking and talking our heads off, we figured it was time to get moving again. There was still more to cover (we never did get to hear Bob play the pipes or Virginia the piano), but we must leave something for the next trip.
We decided to take the scenic route to the Mississippi and it was worth it.
Think they had any flooding problems this year?
The Mississippi at Guttenberg. There is a lock and dam just to the right of this picture.
This is right behind our site
This is a cool pedestrian bridge behind our site. Note a little debris left over from the recent high water.
We settled in at Spruce Creek Park just a few miles down stream. Where we had great pizza and conversation at the bowling alley (8 lanes). The best part is they get the "ROOT Sports channel" and the bartender/lane manager said he'd be glad to put on the Timbers game tomorrow night. I hope it is Family night so I have a chance of not getting thrown out by the locals. I'm taking Teri along for protection.
Thanks again to our Zumbrota friends, Bob and Virginia, we hope to entice them up to see us soon. You know, we'll still be there next summer, but no promises after that.
Been thinking of our Alaska friends and family. Hope you guys are all well and warm. Our grand kids there just turned 15 and 16. That just doesn't seem right. I'M NOT THAT OLD! Until I try to get out of that recliner and feel like I need a rope in the ceiling.
Stay well and warm y'all (I gotta get in practice for Florida).