Went on a 200 mile jaunt covering 2 scenic drives. First, the Jemez Mountain National Scenic Byway. It starts at Hwy 25 north of Albuquerque and wanders northwest before returning to Hwy 285 north of Santa Fe. Surprisingly varied and beautiful terrain. We only took a few short walks but there are many good hikes along the way. Here are just a couple of pics.
Called the Valles Caldera, this enormous bowl was created when the magma below vented nearby and the, well it's a long story that took place a long time ago. The geology lesson explaining all of it is at this link: click here right now it is one huge Elk pasture. |
This small stream is dammed by the ridge of rock on the right, called Soda Dam, the whole place reeks of sulfur. The downstream side of the ridge, below, shows very fluid looking strata of crystal strewn rock. |
The Aspens in the area are mostly done, but the Cotton Woods and other shrubs are still in the first or second quarter of their fall colors |
The second half to our driving tour took us south of Santa Fe to Albuquerque on the Turquoise Trail. Rather disappointing unless you were looking for art galleries and trinkets.
Tomorrow I try to talk Teri into a tram ride up to the top of the Manzano Mountains East of Albuquerque. Then we turn north, stay tuned!
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