Needs some hardware, but basically done. decided to use strap hold downs to keep it in place. As usual, I designed with lots of clearance to get it in and out. After shoe horning it into place I found that 1/4" larger and it wouldn't have made it.
It has one drawer and a shelf above. It took three sheets of 3/4" MDO so you can guess what it weighs. Oh yeah, I fiberglassed the corners and resin coated the rest for waterproofing. Yes, it has a stoplight too.
Complete with emergency rations. Each box contains 9 dinners, 3 breakfasts and 1 dessert. I figure the dessert is the only one you can actually enjoy eating. They probably include it to get you back into the store to buy more desserts at $10 each.
Next are the rod carriers. Saw some nice ones on a truck the other day, only $500. Check it out.
The Titan Rod Vault.
Think I can come in under that with PVC but no wager.
Stay cool.