The Portland grand kids came here and, thankfully, brought their support team (Ryan & Judy). We didn't get to the snow play areas as Ryan had to work a bit. But we did get to their favorite Redmond playground most days.
Nina liked the slides and playing tag with new acquaintances.
Louis liked the park but his favorite playground was the kitchen.
Nina and her panda, Jack, liked the view from the rock in the front yard.

She didn't discover it until we were loading up the car.
We shot a few nerf rockets onto the roof and finally it was time to head home.
The kitchen/playroom/percussion section wasn't the same without Louis.
So, it already seems so quiet and boring. Can't wait for them to come back.
Getting warmer every day and looks like the rest of the country is finally getting a break. Hope you are all well and.....
staying warm.