First leg, from Tallahassee to Savannah, all went smoothly. We had a few days of good weather then the storms that had ravaged the South finally hit today after noon.
We started with a quick lunch in Savannah then visiting some friends of the Washburne's (Dewey and Helen Morgan) where Jack and Dewey went up in Dewey's new plane.
We passed on the carriage tour.
Jack and Dewey
Then we all went out to the family beach house estate for some really outstanding seafood gumbo (my first, but we all agreed, outstanding).
Today we went to see a friends boat. The "Sticker", a De Fever 44, was parked at the Savannah Yacht Club. Here are a few photos.
The engine room. Cleaner than many kitchens.
Talk about first class, fleece covered bumpers!
The bridge looking aft.
Then the rain hit.
We ate at a restaurant that Jack and I used to frequent when we were in flight school back in '69. They have local seafood and don't fry anything.
Yes, that is streaks of rain.
We toured Historical Savannah and went to a cemetery that was like nothing I'd ever seen. They said it was featured in the movie "In the Garden of Good and Evil". Sue's family has a plot there so we visited her fathers grave and saw some of the scenery but could not really see it all due to the rain.
Tomorrow we try to make it past Atlanta as the dash West begins.
Hope the storms treated you well.