Today BW told me that happiness is Texas in your rearview mirror. I don’t want to seem ungrateful to the fine citizens of Texas. After all, M D Diesel here in Houston have done a fine job of getting us back on the road once we let them dive into it. But the drivers here are definitely are crazy. I think they drive with one hand holding their gun, alternating occasionally with the steering wheel, and the other either texting or holding their beer.
Houston Caddyator, check the hub caps |
To say that we don’t think alike politically would be a gross understatement. According to those we have been unluckily enough to engage in conversation, the liberals have screwed up everything. I saw a poster yesterday with a picture of “W” with his perpetual smirk and the caption read “Miss me yet?” It’s so depressing when I think of how this country will soon forget what a really bad person he is and rewrite history to make him out as a hero. Happiness will be the "Welcome to New Mexico" sign.
John Stewart would love this one. It is just wrong on so many levels
North Houston Flea market. Fleas of all kind available.
Back to how to get out of town. Looks like we may be about to get back on the road soon. Monty at M D Diesel has run down everything that he can think of and should be able to do final road test tomorrow. So far the list reads like this:
R&R cracked front engine cover.*
R&R fan*
R&R # 1 injector*
R&R hot side boost line (a 4” tube from Turbo to intercooler, about 4’ long)
R&R fuel supply pump (inside fuel tank)
Remove exhaust line between turbo and tailpipe
Reinstall same after we took it to Dallas for modification and cleaning
R&R engine crank balancer (also functions as serpentine belt pulley)
R&R fuel filter and regulator
Re-torque injector electric connections
Change oil
*work preformed in Tallahassee, some possibility exists that some of the subsequent work was necessary because of omissions there.
The current plan is to get the truck back tomorrow and try to get to San Antonio early the next day. If that works out, then we will think about where we will be and when for the rest of the trip. For now happiness will be a Welcome to San Antonio sign.
See you way down the road, I hope.